The Evangelical Cemetery at Dorf Street, in Langholt, that is located right behind the church, holds a burial site for soldiers who fell in World War II. The site can be found next to the main path, in the central part of the cemetery.
In total, 8 soldiers are buried here - 1 from the 1st Polish Armoured Division who was, at first, thought to be a Wehrmacht soldier, and 7 German soldiers of the German Army and the Navy. They either fell in battle during the crossing of the Leda River near Potshausen, in the battles that took place around Langholt, or died of wounds between 25 and 29 April 1945.
The site is marked by three memorial plaques devoted to the victims.
The Polish soldier by the name of Zenon Stebner, alias ‘Zenon Krupa’, was first considered to be a German soldier so his name was mentioned on the list of the dead Wehrmacht soldiers. Now, he has his own grave with a gravestone that bears his full personal data and an emblem of the 1st Polish Armoured Division.