In the forest cemetery in Celle (Celle Waldfriedhof), there are 5 war graves burial sections where several hundred persons are interred - forced labourers of different nationalities, victims of the Neuengamme – komando Salzgitter-Drütte concentration camp, prisoners, prisoners of war of different nationalities, and victims of air raids by the Allied Forces. At least 200 graves of Polish citizens can be found within this cemetery.
More than 100 Polish citizens are immured in the largest burial section for foreign victims and victims of air bombardments. This section, marked by 3 wooden crosses, is separated by means of stone plaques with the victims’ names inscribed upon them. Most of the victims, however, were buried in the collective graves. Opposite this section, there is another burial site containing graves upon which the names of the dead and the killed of different nationalities are inscribed.
Among these can be found the graves of Polish citizens. The state of preservation of the cemetery is good. Burial section for victims of air bombardments.