Katholischer Friedhof am Wehberg

Cemetery description

In the northern part of the cemetery, right next to the German war graves burial section, there is a small burial site for foreign victims of the war, mostly Polish citizens. These were, above all, forced labourers employed on local farms. The site, overgrown by ivy, is marked by baked clay plaques with the victims’ names. The place is quite hard to find, and the small plaques are partly overgrown by plants. There is no other memorial to commemorate the victims, or any information about the history or the place of origin of the persons buried here.

Address details

Cemetery address: Lüdenscheid, North Rhine-Westphalia
Rahmedestraße 22
58507 Lüdenscheid
GPS: 51.229337,7.620157

Cemetery administration:  Friedhofsbüro,
Jockuschstraße 12 58511 Lüdenscheid,
02351 / 664 0014

Photos of the cemetery

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