Katholischer Friedhof Johannisberg

Cemetery description

The central part of the Catholic Cemetery in Leichlingen contains, right next to the chapel, an oblong burial site for forced labourers. At the entrance to the site, there is a memorial plaque with an inscription that reads: ‘The final resting place for all the forced labourers from Poland and the USSR who died between 1945-1946.’ The stone crosses arranged in two rows bear the names of the victims buried here. 27 Polish citizens are interred in this site.

Address details

Cemetery address: Leichlingen, North Rhine-Westphalia
Johannisberg, Landrat-Trimborn-Straße 79-81
42799 Leichlingen (Rheinland)
GPS: 51.105449,7.028468

Cemetery administration:  Kath. Kirchengemeinde St. Johannes Baptist und St. Heinrich,
Lingemannstr. 3, 42799 Leichlingen,
02175 - 800300

Photos of the cemetery

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