Friedhof LVR-Klinik Langenfeld-Galkhausen

Cemetery description

On the premises of the LVR-Klinik Langenfeld psychiatric hospital there is a disused hospital cemetery that holds one mass grave of 30 foreign citizens - victims of World War II. The grave is marked by a stone slab with a short inscription that states: ‘Here lie 30 victims of the war of various nationalities.’ According to the information obtained from the German War Graves Commission (Der Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V.), the site is the final resting place for 14 citizens of the USSR, 8 of Poland, 5 of the Netherlands, and 3 unidentified persons. The names of 8 persons from Poland are known.
During the times of National Socialism in Germany, the Galghausen hospital was a psychiatric hospital from which approximately 2,000 patients were sent to the Hadamar extermination centre. Thus, most probably, the graves of foreign citizens contain the last remains of the patients who died or were murdered in this hospital.

Address details

Cemetery address: Langenfeld, North Rhine-Westphalia
Alte Schulstraße 111
40764 Langenfeld-Galkhausen
GPS: 51.092202,6.966075

Cemetery administration:  Heidemarie Lehnert-Momm,,
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 1 40764 Langenfeld,

Photos of the cemetery

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