Friedhof in LWL Klinik Marsberg

Cemetery description

The present-day psychiatric teaching hospital, LWL Marsberg, was founded in 1814. During the times of World War II, the hospital was engaged in the Euthanasia and the Forced Sterilisation Program. The south-eastern part of this extensive hospital area houses a cemetery containing the graves of its patients, doctors and other medical personnel. The cemetery used to contain the graves of 24 victims of World War II, 10 of whom came from the USSR, 7 from Poland, 4 from Germany and 3 from the Netherlands. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pinpoint these graves nowadays, and the present-day graves come from the post-war years. The site is marked by a monument dedicated to the war victims from the USSR.

Address details

Cemetery address: Marsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia
Weist 45
34431 Marsberg
GPS: 51.454128,8.856810

Cemetery administration:  LWL-Klinik Marsberg,,
Weist 45, 34431 Marsberg,

Photos of the cemetery

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