Soldatenfriedhof Niersenberg

Cemetery description

The ‘Soldatenfriedhof’ Military Cemetery is located in a small 7-hectare-large forest area in Kamp-Lintfort, approximately 150 m away from the L510 Way. During its establishment in the 1950s, the remains of the deceased from 29 makeshift burial sites situated in Alpen, Birten, Bönnighardt, Borth, Budberg, Büderich, Ginderich, Kamp-Lintfort, Labbecker Wald, Marienbaum, Menzelen, Orsoy, Ossenberg, Veen, Vynen, Wallach and Wardt, were moved to this site.
The cemetery is the final resting place for 1,756 persons pronounced as victims of World War I and World War II. The victims of the First World War buried here were 6 Germans and 1 Russian, while those of the Second World War were 1,343 Germans, 203 unknown persons, 93 persons who died as a result of the war, and 110 persons who were killed in air bombardments. These were mostly the Wehrmacht soldiers and German civilians who lost their lives during the last days of World War II in the Allied air raids, and include 50 women and 40 children. They were buried in single graves arranged in rows surrounding a large wooden cross. Two of the dead have a common stone cross. Among these, are the last remains of 2 Polish victims of the Second World War.
The front of the cemetery is marked by a statue of the German Stone Eagle, placed on a brick pedestal and surrounded by 4 slabs with bas-reliefs of the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, and four memorial plaques laid in the ground. One bears the motto: ‘What we created we created for You. What we sacrificed, we sacrificed for You, the German people.’ Initially, the monument stood next to the town hall.
In the entrance area, right behind the gate, the monument of a lying warrior can be found. The stone plinth bears the following inscription: ‘In memory of our dead who fell in the world wars. 1914-1918, 1939-1945 and the 1866 + 1870-1871 war.’

Address details

Cemetery address: Kamp-Lintfort, North Rhine-Westphalia
Rheinbergerstr. /Niersberger Str.
47475 Kamp-Lintfort

Cemetery administration:  Friedhofsverwaltung,,,
Waldfriedhof Dachsberg, Mühlenstraße 252-254, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort,
+49 28 42 / 9 43 49-2

Photos of the cemetery

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