Friedhof Titz

Cemetery description

In the cemetery in Titz, located in the churchyard of the old Catholic St Cosmas and St Damian’s Church, there is a collective grave of 8 forced labourers - 4 from Poland and 4 from Ukraine. All of them died on the same day, i.e. on 12 June 1943 on the Betgenhausen farm. The grave is marked by a tall wooden cross with the victims’ names inscribed upon them, and is located by the wall and not far from a row of graves of German soldiers who fell in World War II.

Address details

Cemetery address: Titz, North Rhine-Westphalia
Zum Friedhof
52445 Titz
GPS: 51.0078,6.4263

Cemetery administration:  

Photos of the cemetery
Buried persons

Biela Ludwig


Hryczyn Josef


Kinasz Iwan


Rybak Jerzy


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