Hauptfriedhof Ravensburg

Cemetery description

The Main Cemetery in Ravensburg holds three war graves burial sections that hold the graves of Polish citizens. All of them are marked on the cemetery’s plan. On the right side and at the end of the alley that runs from the main entrance, one can find the so-called ‘Cemetery for Foreign Citizens’. It is marked by a stone cross and a small plaque with the names of the victims inscribed upon it. These individuals originated from several occupied countries, including Poland.
Other citizens of Poland are buried in the main section that contains war graves. This is located in the middle part of the cemetery, to the left of the main alley. The majority were victims of the air bombardments in April 1945. The stone plaques have single names or names arranged in groups inscribed upon them - both those who were German and Polish.
Another burial site for Polish citizens is the so-called ‘Russian Graves Cemetery’ containing the graves of victims of Polish origin deported mainly from the Eastern Borderlands.

Address details

Cemetery address: Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg
Friedhofstraße 37
88212 Ravensburg
GPS: 47.784073,9.621358

Cemetery administration:  Friedhofsverwaltung Ravensburg,
Salamanderweg 22, 88212 Ravensburg,
0049 751 82-447, -444

Photos of the cemetery

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