Friedhof Schelklingen

Cemetery description

In the middle part of the cemetery in Schelklingen, near the shed/canopy, amongst the various rows of graves, 6 graves of Polish citizens can be found. The graves are marked by crosses in the shape of a small chapel and they bear the first and the last names of the deceased. These are the graves of male and female forced labourers who, at the time of the war, worked in this area.

Address details

Cemetery address: Schelklingen, Baden-Württemberg
Ehinger Str.
89601 Schelklingen
GPS: 48.372448,9.733676

Cemetery administration:  Friedhofsamt Schelklingen,,
Marktstraße 15, 89601 Schelklingen,
+49 7394 248-0

Photos of the cemetery

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