Neuer und Alter Friedhof Ehingen

Cemetery description

The Ehingen Cemetery consists of two parts - the old and the new.
The northern part of the New Cemetery (Neuer Friedhof) holds 228 graves of Soviet prisoners of war. After the war, civilian graves were also moved here.
In the lower part of the Old Cemetery (Alter Friedhof), there is a mass grave of 15 anonymous victims of World War II. There are also identical single graves of the war victims surrounded by a concrete frame. The graves are marked by marble gravestones that bear the victims’ names. The inscriptions are made of metal. Among these, are the graves of almost 30 Polish citizens. The State Archives of Baden-Württemberg are in possession of lists of graves that also mention the graves of Polish children who were born during World War II. Unfortunately, the graves were dismantled in the post-war period.

Address details

Cemetery address: Ehingen (Donau), Baden-Württemberg
Gartenstraße 27
89584 Ehingen (Donau)
GPS: 48.286536,9.734373

Cemetery administration:  Stadt Ehingen (Donau),
Marktplatz 1, 89584 Ehingen,
0049/ 7252 921 - 603

Photos of the cemetery

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