Friedhof Blaubeuren

Cemetery description

The south-eastern corner of the cemetery in Blaubeuren is marked by a stone stele informing the visitor that this is the final resting place for 19 forced labourers from abroad who died between 1941 and 1945.
However, there is no inscription of the names of the deceased or any listing. According to the data in possession of the German War Graves Commission (Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V), this part of the cemetery holds the last remains of 7 Polish citizens.

Address details

Cemetery address: Blaubeuren, Baden-Württemberg
Kirchhofweg 12
89143 Blaubeuren
GPS: 48.410579,9.787441

Cemetery administration:  Rathaus Blaubeuren,
Herr Kay Friedrich -,
Karlstraße 2, 89143 Blaubeuren,
0049 73 44 / 96 69 -18

Photos of the cemetery

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