Waldfriedhof Arnsberg

Cemetery description

The northern part of the forest cemetery (Waldfriedhof) in Arnsberg, not far from the administrative buildings, contains a war graves burial site for former forced labourers. It is the final resting place for more than 250 citizens of the former USSR. According to the official data, 10 Polish, several Lithuanian and several Yugoslav citizens are among those interred here. A memorial plaque commemorating the victims marks the northern part of this burial site. Their names are inscribed upon the headstones - those of the Soviet citizens are inscribed in Cyrillic while the remaining names are inscribed in the Latin alphabet.
The state of preservation of the burial site is good, and the gravestones are legible and in good condition (state from Sept 2020).

Address details

Cemetery address: Arnsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia
Sunderner Str.
59821 Arnsberg
GPS: 51.375843,8.070567

Cemetery administration:  Technischen Dienste Arnsberg,

Photos of the cemetery

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