Altencelle Friedhof an der Gertrudenkirche

Cemetery description

In the Evangelical cemetery next to the Gertrudenkirche church, there are several graves of foreign victims of World War II. According to the cemetery administration, 3 of them are Polish graves. However, according to the German War Graves Commission (Volksbund deutscher Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V.), the cemetery holds 4 graves of Polish forced labourers, three of whom are known by their first and last names.

Address details

Cemetery address: Celle, Lower Saxony
Altencelle, An der Gertrudenkirche 13-17
29227 Celle
GPS: 52.609097,10.118008

Cemetery administration:  Evangelische Kirche in Altencelle,,,
An der Gertrudenkirche 13, 29227 Celle,
0049 5141-84131

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