KZ-Friedhof Landsberg am Lech

Cemetery description

The cemetery, located in the town of Landsberg am Lech, is one of the many cemeteries for the victims of the complex of 11 sub-camps of the Dachau concentration camp that bore the common name of the Kaufering concentration camp.
They were located around Landsberg am Lech and Kaufering and operated as of June 1944. The major task of their approximately 23,000 prisoners, mainly of Jewish origin, was to build underground armaments plants.
This small cemetery, sandwiched between a motorway and an industrial area, is the final resting place for 600 Jewish victims of the Kaufering concentration camp.

Address details

Cemetery address: Landsberg am Lech, Bavaria
86899 Landsberg am Lech
GPS: 48.063779,10.854347

Cemetery administration:  

Photos of the cemetery

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