Hessisch Lichtenau Alter Friedhof

Cemetery description

The old cemetery located in Hessisch Lichtenau holds the graves of 111 victims of World War II, including 5 Poles - forced labourers deported to the Third Reich. This burial site can be found in the northern part of the cemetery. Its centre is marked by a monument in the form of a tomb whose bronze headstone bears an inscription that reads: ‘Here lie 111 victims of the war - Poles, Italians, Dutchmen, Belgians, Bulgarians, Frenchmen, Czechs and Soviets who, during the hard times from 1941 until 1945, died far away from their homeland.’ It also has the first and last names of the victims inscribed upon it. Small sandstone headstones are scattered around the monument. One of them bears the personal data of 5 Polish citizens. The state of preservation of this site is unsatisfactory.

Address details

Cemetery address: Hessisch Lichtenau, Hesse
Friedrichsbrücker Straße
37235 Hessisch Lichtenau
GPS: 51.20139,9.72192

Cemetery administration:  Der Magistrat der Stadt Hessisch Lichtenau  ,
Landgrafenstr. 12, 37230 Hessisch Lichtenau,
+49 5602 / 807-156

Photos of the cemetery
Buried persons

Kredens Boleslaw


Lukaszewski Stanislaw


Mazurkiewicz Józef


Stawinski Franciszek


Zembrocki Antoni


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