
Cemetery description

The Eastern Cemetery in Burg, not far from the main entrance and on the left side, holds a memorial dedicated to the victims of Fascism. It is surrounded by tall trees and is marked, in the middle, by a memorial stone in the shape of the letter ‘L’ and with a red triangle - the symbol worn by concentration camp prisoners. On both sides there are stone plaques that bear the names of the identified victims of the war. There are also several individual graves marked by stone plaques. Some of them bear Polish-sounding names.
On the right side of the cemetery, there is another war graves burial section with a memorial stone in the middle that again presents the prisoners’ triangle badge. The dates of death of those buried here go back to the 1970s. Most probably, there are no Polish citizens among the victims buried here.
According to some information obtained from one of the residents, in the place of the present-day swimming pool was a war monument dedicated, most probably, to the victims of World War I that bore plaques with the names of the fallen inscribed upon them. However, during the construction of the swimming pool in 1970s and 1980s, the monument was dismantled.

Address details

Cemetery address: Burg, Saxony-Anhalt
Berliner Chaussee
39288 Burg (Magdeburg)

Cemetery administration:  

Photos of the cemetery
Buried persons

Jacek Juliusz


Kozłowska Adelina


Kubacki Walter


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